
CHEESELS ~ Whatever can they be....?

Just for you, the East Place kitchen is working on a recipe to make the best ever Cheesels... 
"but what ARE 'Cheesels'?" You say...
Well they're an irresistibly tasty combination of Cheese and Teasel -aka- cheesy hedgehog biscuits! Scrummy
Famous cook ~ the lovely Teasel hedgehog ~ will soon be offering up gorgeous recipe cards for you to cook up your own fun and delicious treats:

Look out for lovely gift bundles for keen cooks ~ of the both the young and more grown up variety ~ coming soon...remember YOU saw it here FIRST!


Great To Meet Good People!

After a late night, an early start and a long drive, we got to Long Melford this morning to be welcomed by Dee and set up our craft stall in The Old School.
It was a lovely friendly atmosphere and we felt privileged to meet lots of fellow Artisans - all dedicated to producing high quality products which showed their real love for what they do. If you're reading this then do keep in touch...

A blue-grey coat of paint worked a treat to unify the display too - and helped to pull together the overall look.

The dresses and pinafores looked gorgeous - and proved irresistible for a few thank you for showing your appreciation of locally handmade creativity and craft.

New for this fair - fresh striped draw string bags were popular - embellished by Annie's whippet and terrier designs

 The trellis Helen had sourced looked fantastic, adding height in a light and airy way to the space.

As always, meeting and chatting with people today was a big learning curve - time for reflection now - thanks to lots of constructive feedback.


Preparing for the next Craft Fair

Come and say hello - Next Craft Fair: Long Melford, 10am-4pm, at The Old School, 20 July
The paint pots have been opened - and a couple of new colours are mixed. Made up of some odds and ends of not quite finished tubs in the shed and a couple of sample pots, a pleasing array of bluish-greys has been arrived at and duly plastered over any wicker in the vicinity.
Three trellis panels will form a corner at the back of the stall, providing height for showing off some of the pinafores and hanging our name on:

How did that cheeky scooter get in the photo?
Now the stall will look more together - Helen and I got together on Sunday to plan what will go where - it's just countdown to Saturday after next1
If you're nearby - pop along - it will be grand to see you at the Craft Fair in Long Melford.